Golf Tips

Want to Learn How to Golf? Tips on Getting Started

The situation: you’ve heard Uncle Fred rambling on about his favorite pastime, golf, and how much fun it is, that you want to try it out, too. Or perhaps you would like to learn at least the basics so you can be...

Mobile Phone Etiquette on the Golf Course

It’s no secret that the denizens of golf can be a stuffy bunch when they want to be. As golf evolved into a game for the more affluent, along with it came a series of rules of etiquette covering everything from what...

7 Amazing Golf Shots That Will Blow Your Mind

Check out 7 shots that are out-of-this-world below. How many of these had you seen before?

7 Ways to Re-Purpose Golf Equipment

When you have old golf equipment, what do you do? You repurpose it, of course, and give it a second life as something else. Here are seven ideas on how to re-use and upcycle old clubs, balls, tees, and more.

The 5 Best Mental Golf Warm-up Exercises

Preparing for the game is just as much mental as it is physical—maybe even more so. Therefore, you should never underestimate the importance of warming up both your head and your body to play the game well. Below are...

The Best Parts of the Game of Golf (Even Non-Players Agree with #3)

Whether you’re a long-time player or a newbie, there are a huge number of great things about the game. We can’t list them all, so add your personal favorites to the comments below.

8 Amazing Golf Facts

You don’t have to be in love with golf in order to enjoy some amazing facts about the game. When human beings invent a sport, they also come up with some wacky and surprising methods by which to play, promote, and...

Is It a Good Day for Golf? 5 Tips for Picking the Best Time to Play

Although the question might be “When isn’t it a good time to hit the greens?” some times are obviously better than others (think: severe lightning storm). If you are looking for the best way to predict the perfect...

3 Amazing Golf Hacks for a More Enjoyable Game

While the challenge of becoming a better player always keeps golf an interesting, enjoyable game, there’s nothing wrong with removing some of the serious irritations inherent to the sport. As long as it doesn’t...

7 Reasons Why Golf is Good for You (#4 May Surprise You!)

Looking for a few great arguments to justify your constant efforts to get in a round or two? Look no further. It turns out playing 18 holes once or more per week can be of great benefit to your mental and physical...

The 5 Most Common Golf Injuries (and What to Do About Them)

Love golf? Chances are that if you are an avid player, you will suffer from one or more of these common golf injuries at some point. Become aware of the possible problems and either prevent them or get them treated...

5 Mistakes People Make When Planning a Golf Getaway

A really great golf getaway is one of those pleasures in life that may come up once in a lifetime—maybe twice—if you’re lucky. So now that you’ve got commitments from your golf buddies, you’ve got the go-ahead...

Play the Right Set of Tees to Maximize Enjoyment

Golf courses have multiple sets of tees for a reason. They’re not just there to look at. They’re there to use. So use them. Playing from the wrong set of tees can cause a number of problems, not only for...

The Importance of Lag Putting

Aside from throwing a few balls down on the putting green before teeing off, the average golfer doesn’t practice their putting nearly as much as they should. Anywhere from 40% to 50% of shots taken during a round...

Listen to Your Body to Prevent Golf Injuries

Golf isn’t the most physically demanding sport on the planet but it does require players to put their bodies in a number of very straining positions. From the shoulders and hips, to the back and neck, even some of...

Cure Your Slice in 5 Minutes

The slice is the most commonly hit shot in all of golf. Prevalent among amateurs, it can often result in some pretty high scores if you don’t know how to control it. A great deal of discouraged slicers just assume...

5 Steps For Hitting Low Shots That Drive Through the Wind

Controlling your ball flight is the key to good iron play, and if you ever want to be able to play well in the wind, you need to learn how to hit the ball relatively low. Sometimes referred to as punch shots, these low...

To Shoot Lower Scores Focus on Your Game, Not Your Swing

Golf isn’t about having a good looking swing. It’s not about hitting every fairway or hitting every green in regulation or making every 10-foot putt either. It’s about recording a score — and it...

4 Tips That Can Instantly Improve a Bad Short Game

For some people, putting and chipping naturally come easy. And by some people, I mean hardly anybody. For the rest of us, we’re forced to chop our way around the green and hope that our ball eventually falls into...

Three Non-Club Purchases That Can Instantly Improve Your Game

Range Finder – Price: $100 – $400 – A range finder is easily one of the best non-club investments you can make. They’re simple, easy to use and extremely effective. You pull it out, look through...