Cancellation & Refund Policies

A refund request made more than 72 hours of the order’s scheduled pick up date will receive a full refund.

A refund request made within 72 hours of the order’s scheduled pick up date can receive a full account credit which can be issued for future use at, without an expiration date and is fully transferable or a credit to the payment method used at the time of purchase less a cancellation fee of US $20.00 for each scheduled golf bag. In the case of a partial cancellation (i.e., order a round-trip and only use one way) cancellation fee will be US $10.00 for each scheduled golf bag.

A refund request made within 24 hours of the order’s scheduled pick up date will receive a full account credit which can be issued for future use at, without an expiration date and is fully transferable.

After we receive and process your return, depending on your credit card it can take up to 30 days to appear on your statement. In most cases it will be processed within 5 business days.

For questions please call 1-855-867-9915 or

Email to:

or Write to:

Ship Sticks
324 Datura Street, Suite 400 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401