Big Cedar Lodge


Travel hassle-free to Big Cedar Lodge with Ship Sticks. The most convenient and affordable door-to-door shipping service for your golf clubs and luggage. Unlike the airlines, Ship Sticks provides a hassle-free travel experience backed by an on-time guarantee. To get started, click on SHIP NOW and tell us where you would like your clubs picked up. Once you've placed your order you will receive detailed instructions on how to package up your clubs for shipping, including a link to track your clubs in real-time.

Big Cedar Lodge Shipping Notes

  • All shipments will be sent to/from a centralized shipping warehouse

  • Ship Sticks has the proper shipping address pre-filled by clicking SHIP NOW

  • Upon delivery, the warehouse personnel will distribute the clubs to the appropriate course

  • Big Cedar Lodge staff requests to have shipments delivered 2 business days prior to the first round of golf if time allows

  • Shipments are not to be shipped directly to or from any of their course locations

  • Organized groups can request a group discount by clicking HERE.

Ship Sticks recommends choosing a delivery date of 2 business days prior to your arrival.

Ship Now To Big Cedar Lodge
Ship Now From Big Cedar Lodge
  • On-Time Guarantee

    On-Time Guarantee

  • Shipment Protection

    Shipment Protection

  • Fully Insured

    Fully Insured

  • Real-Time Tracking

    Real-Time Tracking

  • Personal Service

    Personal Service

  • Cost-Effective


How It Works

At Ship Sticks, we make getting your golf clubs to and from your destination easier than it’s ever been – allowing you to enjoy a hassle-free travel experience to anywhere in the world.

1. Schedule online

1. Schedule online

Schedule your shipment using our Ship Page

2. Print & attach

2. Print & attach

Print & attach your shipping labels to the correct bags

3. Pickup or dropoff

3. Pickup or dropoff

Drop off bags or allow them to be picked up

4. Enjoy

4. Enjoy

Finally, enjoy your on-time golf bag arrival

Big Cedar Lodge

Pickup Location:Shipping Warehouse
Projected Delivery times:Afternoon
Dropoff Location:Shipping Warehouse
Projected Pickup times:Morning
Ship Now

Client Testimonials

Ship Sticks makes shipping your golf clubs quick, easy, and hassle-free. But don’t take it from us. Hear what our customers have to say.

Customer Service

As a company of golfers, for golfers, we have experienced the hassles of traveling with your clubs and understand how important your clubs are to you. Our team is available 7 days a week ready to help answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Get in Touch
  • Phone(855) 867-9915
  • Schedule

    Mon-Fri: 8AM - 8PM EST

  • Sat: 8AM - 5PM EST

  • Sun: 9AM - 8PM EST

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