How It Works


STEP 1 - Schedule Your Shipment

Click SHIP NOW and complete the required fields. You will need to select your pick up/drop off date (we can pick up from your home, office, or golf course. You may choose to drop your clubs off at a UPS or FedEx Store as well). You will also need to select your arrival date. Choose your bag count, size and insurance.


STEP 2 - Print Your Shipping Labels

Print your shipping label from the confirmation page. You may also print the shipping label from the confirmation email.


STEP 3 - Prepare Your Golf Bag

You will need to have your golf bag packed in a golf travel bag, hard case or box. Ensure all pockets on your golf bag are closed and place your rain cover over the top of the bag. Place your clubs into the travel bag, hard case or box. Zip the travel bag closed, lock your hard case or tape up the box securely. Attach your shipping label with clear packaging tape and place a copy of the shipping label inside the travel bag, hard case or box.


STEP 4 - Courier Picks Up Your Clubs From Home or Office

Your assigned logistics provider will pick up your clubs at the location designated in Step 1. You may also drop your clubs off at your assigned logistics providers Store location. Your logistics provider will be assigned on your confirmation page and will be on your shipping label also.


STEP 5 - Your Clubs Have Arrived!

You will receive an email when your clubs arrive at their destination. If you have created a round trip shipment, bring your return shipping labels with you to attach to your travel bag, hard case or box. Ship Sticks will schedule the pick up on your return date. You will receive an email when your clubs have arrived at their return destination.